Pay-Per-Click 101: The Basics
Pay Per Click (PPC) ads are an essential piece of any digital marketing strategy. The concept is simple, advertisers pay each time their ad is clicked on by an end user. These campaigns can be run on many different platforms, however, the most important platform to utilize for advertising is Google. Google not only played a key role in the origin of PPC ads—but continue to be a leader in its innovation today.
Looking to the future, PPC ads are constantly evolving with advancing technology resulting in several strategies and formats to deliver the most effective PPC advertisements to online users. PPC Ads are always in the form of text but there are best practices for advertisement copywriting that will increase your likelihood of being the top search result.

In 2020 Google Celebrated 20 Years of AdWords
Formally known as AdWords, Google’s PPC Ads, has played a pinnacle role in the development of online marketing strategies since its 2000 inception. The initial launch of PPC ads was founded on 350 sponsors – a stark comparison to current the user count totaling over 950,000 companies advertising with Google today.
In 2005, Google Analytics was introduced. This product measures and tracks website traffic and is considered a staple within Google’s Marketing Platform. PPC ads and Google Analytics place online marketing influence in the control of business owners who can directly manage campaign types, goals, targeting, ad spend and more from a single platform.
Every business owner wants their website to show at the top of Google’s results. No user wants to scroll past more than a few sites before clicking a result. Partnered with a robust digital marketing strategy, PPC advertising can be a powerful tool for your business’ goals.
Exposure is key in any digital marketing strategy and PPC ads are an effective way to showcase your business’ presence to potential customers.