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Pay Per Click 303: 3 Tips!

In the basics of Pay Per Click, we covered the basic concepts of expanding your brand through paid advertising efforts. This installment will cover three broad, yet crucial, tactics to consider when launching a Pay-Per-Click campaign.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a model of internet marketing in which, advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.

What is Organic Advertising?

 Unlike paid advertising, organic marketing focuses efforts on careful attention to website content and intentional curation of business digital presence. SEO is a common example of organic advertising techniques.

Organic advertising is important, but it does involve one cost, which is time. For quicker results, PPC campaigns are typically preferred by advertisers. Marketers that combine both strategies yield the strongest ROI.

Traffic Brought Through PPC Advertising Yields 50% More Conversions Than Organic Advertising.

Development of a profitable PPC campaign involves intentional keyword research, captivating copy development, a competitive bid strategy and targeting the audience where they are at with relevant and exciting promotions.

Strong Ad Copy Development

Since PPC ads appear as search engine results, there is no creative media to rely on for capturing user attention. Instead, heavy lifting is placed on strong copywriting tactics. Current PPC copy trends suggest using stats or numbers and mirroring the user’s intent. It’s important to also understand that these trends are constantly changing and copy trend research will be necessary to maintain a competitive copywriting advantage.

Strategic Website Content

The cornerstone of any successful ad campaign is a healthy, content-rich website. The page the user lands on is a major consideration when attempting to capture conversions. Not only does Google use ad copy as a way to decide the relevancy of your ads to users search, it also crawls the landing page users will be going to. Google wants to provide the best, most relevant content available to users. Having a healthy website and intentional landing pages will increase the chances of Google showing your ads and users then converting on your website.  

Focused Budget Strategy

Budget structing for PPC ads are dependent on the campaign’s specific goals. Throwing more money at an ad campaign will not necessarily promote the desired results. Research revealed that companies are ineffectively spending between 40 and 60 percent of their ad budgets. To prevent wasted ad spend, a small-to-mid size business owner should launch their PPC campaign slow and small. Testing and assessment will allow the advertiser to critically collect results to reveal how an ad budget can be better applied to promote campaign success.