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Social Media 303: 3 Tips!

What You Know

Social media websites are great examples of high-quality, influential websites that Google and other search engines rely on for accurate information.

Including relevant keywords in your social media profile and content can help strengthen SEO efforts by creating a unified language about your business across multiple online platforms.

Social media engagement is measured by a range of metrics that could include the following:

  • Shares or retweets
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Followers and audience growth
  • Click-throughs
  • Mentions (either tagged or untagged)
  • Using branded hashtags

What You Need to Know

Tip #1: Analyze your Engagement!

Users spend an average of 4.2 hours per day social networking, which will make up 75% of engagement by 2025. That is an insane amount of time! Which is why it is important to make sure you are tapping into that time frame as much as possible.

Here’s what you can do: for starters, jot down your current number of followers, how many comments and shares you are getting on average per post, or whatever numbers are meaningful to you. Then make sure to keep tracking regularly, so that you catch jumps or dips in engagement.

Take notice of stats like this when analyzing your engagement:

Research has shown that Facebook posts with images have an 85 percent interaction rate, compared with just 4 percent for other post types. Images also increase retweets on Twitter by 35 percent.

Social Media Examiner

Tip #2: Select your Strategy!

Since all company’s business goals are different, every company’s social media strategy will be too. Depending on what suits your brand and what your business has to offer, your social media engagement goals might include:

  • Changing public perception of your brand
  • Developing new customer leads
  • Collecting feedback about new products
  • Educating your audience with resources and advice
graphic showing types of content consumers want to engage with

Tip #3: Know your audience!

It’s hard to get people engaged if you don’t actually know who you’re talking to.

The sort of language, tone, and resources that resonate are likely going to be different for a skateboarding company versus a restaurant supply shop. 

Knowing your audience will also help you determine:

  • What social media sites to be on
  • When to publish
  • Type of content
  • Brand voice

You should be treating social media engagement like a dinner party, welcoming people, and encouraging conversation between the host and the guests.


What We Can Do for You

In addition to our core social media service, we have the tools to offer a customized social media strategy tailored to your business. Our supplemental social media services are designed to suit your business, budget, and goals. Additional services include page like campaigns, post boosts, additional posts, and event posts. These services can help your business gain more followers, enhance engagement, and ultimately provide intrinsic SEO benefits over time.